Friday, September 20, 2013

Home Run - Freedom is Possible

Religion and addiction

Author: casper639 from USA
imdb link

*** This review may contain spoilers ***
The movie has very little to do with baseball. It is about major league ball player addicted to alcohol, and hits rock bottom. His father was also a drunk and abusive. He is forced into a 12 step Christian based program at a church in his hometown.

He returns to his home town and helps coach a little league team. He co-coaches with his ex girlfriend and mother of his illegitimate son, who is also on the team. The boy doesn't know the man is his father. There is a lot of religious reflection and depiction of people who are addicted to sex, drugs, and-or have been abused in someway. The plot is nothing new and a bit weak, even for a Christian movie.

The acting is top notch. Particularly Scott Elrod as Cory. The man playing the head of the Christian 12 step program, looks realistic and seems like he may have had some serious problems. (Little creepy) Most of the other addicts were just as odd and good at acting. They didn't look like actors.

The photography is good, the scenery is realistic, and depicts a depressed small town with an amazing number of people with various addictive issues.

If this movie were tightened up to an hour it would be much better.

There are a few 'feel' slightly good moments but very few. The main problem is the attempt for atmosphere which is taking over so many movies to stretch them into a full length movie. Lots and lots of music and camera angles always indicates the plot is thin.

As a Christian based movie, this is one of the better ones and holds back on the judgmental issues, well done but slow and dragging.

Second Review

A Must See - High Quality Story, Acting and Production

Author: critic_w from United States

Home Run is a very good and very simple story; more main-stream than Facing the Giants, Fireproof, or even Courageous. It chronicles the career of a major-league baseball player whose excesses get the best of him. We watch and enjoy the repair of his life and the lives of those around him. Due to it's simplicity and perhaps audience apathy towards this genre, Home Run will likely prove to be one of the most underrated films in a long time. It is of a recent slate of Christian message movies, and carries a certain pro-Celebrate Recovery message... but to summarize it as only that would do this movie and potential viewers a tremendous disservice. Get out and see it, or at least get the DVD! It is well directed, very well produced, and has the best acting of any movie in this group. On par anything out of Hollywood.