Cody the Robosapian - 2013
Enjoyable Family Robo Buddy Movie • 7/10
Author: Ed_Blackadder from Mrs Miggins' Pie Shoppe
Bobby Coleman is the clear star of this Robo buddy flick and even though this actor is very young he has amassed quite a list of film credits, more than a heck of a lot of adult actors. I know this is an 'off the shelf' SciFi for kids affair but it's been put together with enough care and attention to detail that it's accessible to everyone and not just little kids. I haven't been a little kid for 40 years now but I still enjoyed it. It didn't come close to satisfying my brain but it entertained and that's ultimately all that we can ask of a film sometimes.
The acting, for a kids movie was better than expected and even with the usual suspects performing it was clearly taken seriously which is where these types of films usually fail. I should know, my young daughter has made me sit through quite a few of them. What was also nice was the story element but even though it's ridiculously and unashamedly clichéd I still enjoyed it as I'm sure you will.